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What more can I do?


What more can I do?

From our initial survey we found out about the actions, large and small, that Shropshire people are taking to do their bit to reduce carbon usage.  We learned about people improving their homes with insulation and renewable energy, about new local groups forming and about clothes swaps and recycling.  Find out more on the interactive map.  Thank you for getting in touch and keep adding information!

We know that individuals, small groups and families are making a difference. If we all make some changes we can have a big impact, collectively.  We also know that there is a lot of support for our Zero Carbon Shropshire Plan to reach net zero in the county by 2030.

The changes you make will make a difference and help show our support for stronger climate action from government, businesses and organisations.

Here are some things to do straight away:

If you already do all these things, great! Have a look at the document here for more ideas.

 A note on air travel

Even if you only fly once a year for a holiday, the climate impact is huge. Could you fly less? Maybe holidaying in the UK every other year, or going by ferry or Eurostar to the rest of Europe? In the UK, 70% of flights each year are made by just 15% of the population, with 57% of us not flying abroad at all. If you are a frequent flyer, you can make a big difference to your personal carbon footprint by cutting the number of flights you take.

  • An economy return flight to southern Spain releases 1.25 tonnes per person of CO2 into the atmosphere.
  • A round trip to New York would amount to 4 tonnes of CO2 being released per person.

What else is happening locally?  The responsibility for taking action doesn’t fall just on individuals. Governments, councils and businesses need to make big changes to help us reach net zero carbon. 

Shropshire Council is taking action on its own corporate emissions and has committed to reaching net zero by 2030. Find out more on the council's Climate Dashboard.  

Town and parish councils are also taking action. For example, Oswestry Town Council has just signed up to a 'Pollination Pledge' to work with schools, colleges, groups and business to improve local bio-diversity. 

Cool Shropshire & Telford is a new FREE environmental support scheme for local micro businesses and SMEs looking to be a little greener and start their carbon reduction journey.

Zero Carbon Shropshire  is a collective effort of councils, business, voluntary sector organisations and individuals to coordinate a reduction in carbon emissions and restore nature across the county, beyond the council’s jurisdiction.

Photo credits: Mark Sosberg, Andrew Howe, Julie Howe

Find out about practical ways you can do your bit to reduce Shropshire's carbon emissions.

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